Are you in the dark about the power of mushrooms?

If the answer is yes, prepare for enlightenment, with a communications campaign launched to tell you more about this nutritional powerhouse.

Australian Mushroom Growers General Manager, Greg Seymour said a global review of published mushroom research conducted by the CSIRO had established the need to inform consumers more about the “Power of Mushrooms”.

“The study found that mushrooms provide 20% of the daily needs for B vitamins, are packed with essential nutrients, full of powerful antioxidants, low in kilojoules, virtually fat free and have a super low GI.”

“The really exciting evidence, however, was that more and more research is uncovering the potential for mushrooms to reduce the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular disease and to improve immune function and even protect people against dementia.”

Mr Seymour said research, funded by the industry in partnership with the Federal Government, was now looking to build on these discoveries, with studies underway to confirm the outcomes with human trials.

“What we know now is that leading international scientists are excited at the potential for mushrooms to provide excellent nutrition and also have a positive benefit on human health.”

“Research has shown, however, that most Australians do not know about the specific nutrition or health benefits of regular consumption. The Power of Mushrooms communication campaign is all about letting people know just what mushrooms bring to the table in terms of human health.”

“We have come a long way since people viewed mushrooms simply as meat for vegetarians and with an ever expanding body of knowledge, it is the right time to talk with consumers about the nutritional benefits of mushrooms.”

“Our research found that people who consume mushrooms love the taste and believe them to be healthy. Four out of five also want to know more about the health benefits. Our focus will be to explain how just three mushrooms a day can contribute to a healthier life.”

“While we are naturally biased we are excited by the opportunity to tell people about the potential to improve their health through the regular consumption of mushrooms.”

The campaign will commence in July and comprises a range of communication activities to inform consumers about mushrooms.

Funded by Australian mushroom growers, the campaign was developed by Advertising agency, Traffic and features a variety of strong visual images depicting the health benefits of mushrooms.

To help consumers out of the dark they will be given a range of facts including that:

  • a mushroom is not a fruit or a vegetable. It is unique!
  • mushrooms can help control weight as they are low GI, low kJ, and satisfy the appetite.
  • mushrooms (compared to vegetables) rank in the top five for antioxidant capacity.
  • mushrooms are the only non-animal fresh food to naturally contain vitamin D.
  • published Australian research links mushroom consumption to reduced breast cancer risk.
  • just three mushrooms provides over 20% of the daily need for many B vitamins.
  • no vegetable can match the nutrient profile of the mushroom.
  • mushrooms are one of the few non-animal foods with the powerful antioxidant ergothioneine.
  • mushrooms have vitamin B12 on the surface and in the flesh.